we love our house! it's more spacious than we imagined, its got cute old-style character, it's just for own little family, and it has lots of storage (tom is very excited to use one of the bedrooms as a storage room- we didn't get a house with a garage but this very well might be almost as good. he's got his tools, camping/survival gear, surfboards, snowboard, etc. in there). thank you Lord, for the roof above our heads!
i've been on a huge organizing kick (praise Jesus for the energy to do this, and the fact that i actually really like this kind of projects) while tom has been working really hard both inside and out. he discovered we actually have a sprinkler system that looked like it hadn't been used in a long time- but he fixed it and it works!
i've been on a huge organizing kick (praise Jesus for the energy to do this, and the fact that i actually really like this kind of projects) while tom has been working really hard both inside and out. he discovered we actually have a sprinkler system that looked like it hadn't been used in a long time- but he fixed it and it works!
here are some pics of some of the rooms that are set-up so far...
**notice the aqua tile--it covers the floor and goes halfway up the wall. under normal conditions this would have made me puke a little in my mouth, but no! it matches the decor we already had that was chocolate brown/tealish-aqua. hallelujah!these leather (possibly pleather? or vinyl...) armchairs were a mere $25 at the outdoor rec center on base. apparently when the air force hotels remodel, they give them the stuff to sell for cheap. who knew? anyway, they work perfectly for us. AND, our good friend shawn found that lovely black armoir thing on the side of the road. FREE.
oh yeah, and the celebrate our first real meal in the new house.... drumroll please!...
my AMAZING husband made sushi for us. YES, real sushi, with the sticky rice, salmon, seaweed, wasabi, and everything. he's cool like that. i'm blessed, i know! all i did was make the sweet rice topped with mango and coconut milk for dessert.
roll it!
the whole set up. there was some pretty amazing teriyaki chicken as well.
the sushi was so divine, it had me all delirious so i was trying to eat imaginary stuff when it was gone...